R&D - Governmental
1. | K 146236 - Development and structural investigation of 3D printed polymer composites with in-situ foamed core material |
| Running time: 2024-2027 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Tomin Márton |
2. | PD 146135 - Investigation of the mechanical recyclability of packaging plastic waste and microplastics |
| Running time: 2024-2026 |
| Project manager: Dr. Gere Dániel |
3. | K 146085 - Development of additive manufacturing technology of crosslinked elastomers |
| Running time: 2024-2027 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás |
4. | 2023-1.2.1-ERA_NET-2023-00003 - Thermoplastic elastomers from recycled polyolefins and tires (HERO) |
| Running time: 2024-2026 |
| Project manager: Dr. Mészáros László |
5. | 2023-1.1.1-PIACI_FÓKUSZ-2024-00011 - Development of hybrid production technology based on Industry 4.0 with value-added use of domestically sourced recycled raw materials |
| Running time: 2024-2026 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Bárány Tamás |
6. | MTA Lendület - MTA-BME Lendület Sustainable Polymers Research Group |
| Running time: 2023-2028 |
| Project manager: Dr. Toldy Andreaa |
7. | GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21-2022-00041 - Development of PET packaging with increased heat resistance through waste recovery |
| Running time: 2022-2025 |
| Project manager: Toldy Andrea |
8. | RRF-2.3.1-21-2022- 00009 - National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
| Running time: 2022-2025 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Zink Béla |
9. | IPPT_TWINN - Reinforcing the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in polymer processing technologies of the faculty for polymer technology and the broader Balkan region |
| Running time: 2022-2025 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Suplicz András |
10. | FK 142540 - Prediction and design of the failure of composites |
| Running time: 2022-2026 |
| Project manager: Dr. Szebényi Gábor |
11. | K 142517 - Development of recyclable-by-design high performance fibre reinforced polymer composites |
| Running time: 2022-2026 |
| Project manager: Toldy Andrea |
12. | 2020-1.2.3-EUREKA-2021-00010 - Drive gear systems for high precision and demanding applications with integrated advanced polymeric materials |
| Running time: 2022-2025 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Suplicz András |
13. | 2022-2.1.1-NL-2022-00012 - National Laboratory of Cooperative Technologies |
| Running time: 2022-2026 |
| Project manager: Dr. Szebényi Gábor |
14. | HUN-REN-BME Kompozittechnológiai Kutatócsoport - HUN-REN-BME Research Group for Composite Science and Technology |
| Running time: 2022-2027 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Kmetty Ákos |
15. | K 138472 - Development of implant materials and surfaces with improved load bearing capacity and wear resistance |
| Running time: 2021-2025 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Szebényi Gábor |
16. | FK 138501 - The utilization of the rheological and structural characteristics of polymer solutions and melts for their efficient processing |
| Running time: 2021-2025 |
| Project manager: Dr. Molnár Kolos |
17. | F23036 - Recycling of ground tyre rubber with the aid of ionizing radiation |
| Running time: 2021-2026 |
| Project manager: Dr. Mészáros László |
18. | 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI-2019-00172 - Development of special, weight-optimized rubber sealings for the vehicle industry |
| Running time: 2020-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás, Dr. Tamás-Bényei Péter |
19. | 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI-2019-00335 - Developing of increased load-ability polypropylene and environmental friendly material based bale twines |
| Running time: 2020-2023 |
| Project manager: Dr. Tábi Tamás |
20. | 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI-2019-00200 - Developing advanced technologies for processing and energy recovery for municipal solid waste |
| Running time: 2020-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Pölöskei Kornél |
21. | 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI-2019-00205 - |
| Running time: 2020-2024 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Szabó Ferenc |
22. | 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI-2019-00288 - Developing a novel “Green” (with a smaller ecological footprint) sports mat for recreational purposes |
| Running time: 2020-2024 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kmetty Ákos |
23. | 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI-2019-00139 - Development of a stiff winged drone based on innovative and novel design and creation of required competences |
| Running time: 2020-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Szebényi Gábor |
24. | CELSA KUL-SE-BME - Development of custom micro-structured surfaces for improved lubrication in shoulder implants |
| Running time: 2020-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Szebényi Gábor |
25. | FK 134336 - Investigation of additive manufactured 3D reinforcing framework structure as insert in injection molded composite products |
| Running time: 2020-2024 |
| Project manager: Dr. Tábi Tamás |
26. | MTA Lendület - MTA-BME Lendület Lightweight Polymer Composites Research Group |
| Running time: 2020-2025 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor |
27. | 20-203-07603 - PolyFlip - Development of a flipped classroom approach for (polymer) engineering study programs with the use of innovative ICT tools |
| Running time: 2020-2023 |
| Project manager: Kovács József Gábor, Suplicz András |
28. | 2018-1.3.1-VKE-2018-00011 - Industry 4.0 assisted, one-pot manufacturing of valued-added polymer systems with multifunctional coating in the first step for automotive industry and extending to further marketable application fields |
| Running time: 2019-2022 |
| Project manager: Toldy Andrea |
29. | 2018-1.3.1-VKE-2018-00017 - New concept for upgrading recycling of multicomponent packaging wastes and formation of product of high market value |
| Running time: 2019-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Marosi György, Dr. Pölöskei Kornél |
30. | 2018-1.3.1-VKE-2018-00001 - Development of novel carbon fiber reinforcement structures for the designable reinforcement of mass-produced polymer composite products |
| Running time: 2019-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Suplicz András |
31. | K 132462 - The development of increased energy absorption foam structures |
| Running time: 2019-2023 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Kmetty Ákos |
32. | FK 131882 - Development of multi-functional, high performance pseudo-ductile hybrid composites |
| Running time: 2019-2023 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czél Gergely |
33. | K 128268 - Novel thermoplastic dynamic vulcanizates (TDV) with enhanced wear resistance based on in situ produced polyurethane matrix |
| Running time: 2018-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás |
34. | 765881-HyFiSyn-H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 - Hybrid Fibre-reinforced composites: achieving Synergetic effects through microstructural design and advanced simulation tools |
| Running time: 2018-2021 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czél Gergely |
35. | NVKP_16-1-2016-0012 - Development of a value-added, multifunctional biopolymer packaging system and production technology |
| Running time: 2017-2019 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás, Dr. Kmetty Ákos |
36. | NVKP_16-1-2016-0022 - Developing a new generation of manufacturing process of tailor-made medical implants and tailor-made medical aids for additive technologies |
| Running time: 2017-2019 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács Norbert Krisztián, Dr. Takács János |
37. | MTA–BME Kompozittechnológiai Kutatócsoport - MTA–BME Research Group for Composite Science and Technology |
| Running time: 2017-2022 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
38. | FK 124352 - Development of ductile polimer composites with designable interfacial adhesion |
| Running time: 2017-2021 |
| Project manager: Dr. Szebényi Gábor |
39. | PD 121121 - Development of high performance damage tolerant and damage indicating hybrid composites |
| Running time: 2016-2019 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czél Gergely |
40. | K 120592 - Development of flame retarded polymer composites for engineering applications |
| Running time: 2016-2020 |
| Project manager: Prof. Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Toldy Andrea |
41. | NVKP_16-1-2016-0038 - The development of polypropylene-based adhesive composite layers for injection molding in the automotive industry |
| Running time: 2016-2019 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Suplicz András |
42. | NVKP_16-1-2016-0046 - Production of polymer products by a short cycle time, automatized production technology for automotive applications, with exceptional focus on the complexity and recyclability of the composite parts |
| Running time: 2016-2020 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Szebényi Gábor |
43. | 605671 - RAPIDMOULD - Development of a low cost injection mould tooling for small batch production using additive manufacturing to increase the competitiveness of SMEs in the plastic sector
| Running time: 2015-2017 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor |
44. | OTKA PD116122 - Development of electrospun thermoplastic nanofibers and related composites |
| Running time: 2015-2018 |
| Project manager: Dr. Molnár Kolos |
45. | OTKA K115949 - Upcycling of crumb rubber after microwave devulcanization in rubber and thermoplastic elastomer formulations |
| Running time: 2015-2019 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás |
46. | OTKA K116070 - Development of high performance ductile hybrid composites |
| Running time: 2015-2019 |
| Project manager: Prof. Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Czél Gergely |
47. | OTKA SNN 114547 - Multifuncional bio-based hybrid thermosets: Synthesis, Characterization and potential use in composites |
| Running time: 2015-2018 |
| Project manager: Prof. Dr. h.c. Karger-Kocsis József , Prof. Dr. Matjaž Krajnc |
48. | OTKA K109409 - Property Tailored Thermoplastic Nanocomposites via Suspension-Assisted Melt Compounding |
| Running time: 2014-2018 |
| Project manager: Dr. Karger-Kocsis József |
49. | ENIAC Call 2013-1 / 621278-2 - Intelligent Catheters in Advanced Systems for Interventions |
| Running time: 2014-2017 |
| Project manager: Dr. Szebényi Gábor |
50. | VKSZ_12-1-2013-0080 - Medical research and development for effectively promoting healing of catarct |
| Running time: 2014-2017 |
| Project manager: Dr. Molnár Kolos |
51. | OTKA PD 105995 - Development of graphene/ceramic hybrid filled heat conductive polymers |
| Running time: 2013-2015 |
| Project manager: Dr. Kovács József Gábor |
52. | OTKA K-109224 - Development of flame retarded composites of reduced additive content for upgrading of recycled PET |
| Running time: 2013-2016 |
| Project manager: Dr. Ronkay Ferenc |
53. | OTKA K105257 - Development of advanced polymer composites from renewable resources |
| Running time: 2013-2015 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
54. | OTKA K100294 - Rubber/crystallizable thermoplastic oligomers compounds with improved processability and
properties |
| Running time: 2012-2015 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás |
55. | BME Clean Sky 027 - Development of an innovative bio-based resin for aeronautical applications |
| Running time: 2012-2014 |
| Project manager: Toldy Andrea, Marosi György |
56. | OTKA PD105564 - Mechanical behavior of nanoparticle containing hybridcomposites in case of cyclic load |
| Running time: 2012-2015 |
| Project manager: Mészáros László |
57. | OTKA K100949 - Developing and modeling electrospun nanofibrous structures |
| Running time: 2012-2015 |
| Project manager: Vas László Mihály |
58. | MTA–BME Kompozittechnológiai Kutatócsoport - MTA–BME Research Group for Composite Science and Technology |
| Running time: 2012-2017 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
59. | OTKA NK83421 - Development and Characterization of Epoxy Resin-Based Shape Memory Polymer (SMP) Systems |
| Running time: 2011-2014 |
| Project manager: Dr. Karger-Kocsis József |
60. | BME Clean Sky 032 - Resin, Laminate and Industrial Nanoparticles Concept and Application. Industrialization |
| Running time: 2010-2012 |
| Project manager: Toldy Andrea |
61. | OTKA (K75117) - Development of a novel polymer composite of advanced recyclability for large series production |
| Running time: 2009-2011 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás |
62. | OM-00278/2008 (Jedlik Ányos Program) - Development of technologies for utilization of organic materials from car and electronic waste for avoiding future landfill dumping |
| Running time: 2009-2011 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Ronkay Ferenc |
63. | EU7 - 212782 - Magnetic sorting and ultrasound sensor technologies for production of high purity secondary polyolefins from waste |
| Running time: 2009-2011 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Francesco Di Maio |
64. | OM-00003/2009 GERINCŐR (NTP) - Intelligent tool and methodology to monitor and safeguard childhood spine deformities – SPINE GUARD |
| Running time: 2009-2013 |
| Project manager: Dr. Halász Marianna |
65. | OTKA (PD72722) - Utilization of plastic waste and formation of new products by the development of polymer blends and composites |
| Running time: 2008-2011 |
| Project manager: Dr. Ronkay Ferenc |
66. | OM Magyar-Francia TéT FR-06/2007 - Experimental investigation and theoretical modelling of pore size distribution and absorption properties in fibrous structures |
| Running time: 2008-2009 |
| Project manager: Prof. Dr. Vas László Mihály, Anne Perwuelz |
67. | OM-00073/2008 (Jedlik Ányos Program) - Application of engineering polymers in safety areas (brake systems) among real circumstances |
| Running time: 2008-2010 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Kovács József Gábor |
68. | OM-00168/2008 (Jedlik Ányos Program) - Preparation and realization of transport safety innovations in production of prototype of new 4 person composite aircraft |
| Running time: 2008-2011 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Ronkay Ferenc |
69. | OTKA (F67897) - Development of hyrid polymer nanocomposites |
| Running time: 2007-2010 |
| Project manager: Dr. Romhány Gábor |
70. | OTKA-NKTH K 68438 - Geometrical and non-linear mechanical modeling of 3D textile structures |
| Running time: 2007-2012 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály, Dr. Tamás Péter |
71. | OM Magyar-Cseh TéT CZN-13/2006 - Study of nanofibrous materials and their usage for composite producing and carbonization |
| Running time: 2007-2008 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály, Prof. Dr. David Lukaš |
72. | OTKA (K 61424) - Development of cellulose based reinforced/filled biodegradable polymer composites and investigation its properties |
| Running time: 2006-2009 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
73. | OTKA (NI 62729) - Friction behaviour and failure mechanism of polymer, elastomer, ceramic and composite structural components |
| Running time: 2006-2009 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Váradi Károly |
74. | OTKA (F60505) - Development of environmental friendly, self-reinforced polymer composite |
| Running time: 2006-2009 |
| Project manager: Dr. Bárány Tamás |
75. | GKM GVOP-3.1.1-2004-05-0531/3.0 - Development of high technical value products, based on recycled plastic waste and rubber granule |
| Running time: 2005-2006 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Zubonyai Ferenc |
76. | GKM GVOP-3.1.1-2004-05-0215/3.0 - Integrity of hybrid pipes reinforced with polymer matriced composite |
| Running time: 2005-2008 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Lukács János |
77. | GKM GVOP-3.1.1-2004-05-0439/3.0 - Vehicle wheel load measuring weight scale made of fiber reinforced polymer composite |
| Running time: 2005-2006 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Ballon István |
78. | OTKA (T 049126) - Lifetime estimation of metal-polymer hybrid pipes |
| Running time: 2005-2008 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Lukács János |
79. | Mecenatúra - Organization of the 8th Conference of Polymers for Advanced Technology from 13.09.2005 until 16.09.2005. in Budapest |
| Running time: 2005-2006 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
80. | OTKA T-049069 - Statistical structural-mechanical modeling and complex testing of fibrous structures and fiber reinforced composites |
| Running time: 2005-2008 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály, Dr. Tamás Péter |
81. | OM Magyar-Cseh TéT CZ-1/04 - Examining the liquid absorption of fibrous systems |
| Running time: 2005-2006 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály, Prof. Dr. David Lukaš |
82. | GKM GVOP-3.1.1-2004 - 05 - 0182/3.0 - |
| Running time: 2005-2007 |
| Project manager: Dr. Halász Marianna, Tamás Péter |
83. | GKM GVOP-3.2.1-2004-04-0148/3.0 - Scanning electron microscope for investigation of polymer composites and fiber reinforced structures |
| Running time: 2004-2005 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
84. | OMFB-0199/2004 - Accreditation of the materials testing at the Department of Polymer Engineering and Textile Technology |
| Running time: 2003-2004 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
85. | OTKA M-045664 - High resolution video-extensometer |
| Running time: 2003 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály |
86. | OTKA T-042775 - Mechanical-mathematical modeling of textile materials |
| Running time: 2003-2005 |
| Project manager: Dr. Halász Marianna, Dr. Tamás Péter |
87. | OM ALK-00257/2002 - 3D Dress Design |
| Running time: 2003-2004 |
| Project manager: Dr. Halász Marianna, Dr. Tamás Péter |
88. | OTKA (T 37864) - Optimalization of welded structures from polymer elements |
| Running time: 2002-2005 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
89. | OM Széchenyi-terv (NKFP 3A/0036/2002) - Preparation and application of completely or partially biologically degradable products from composites or other modified polymers on natural raw materials |
| Running time: 2002-2005 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Zsuga Miklós |
90. | ALK-00012/2001 - Developing of rapid prototyping based rapid tooling technology center |
| Running time: 2002-2004 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Falk György |
91. | ALK-00161/2001 - Utilization of packaging PEt wastes by reprocessing |
| Running time: 2002-2004 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Sass Ákos |
92. | ALK-00033/2002 - Development of multilayered engravabe information bearer sheets |
| Running time: 2002 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Rácz Ilona |
93. | OM Széchenyi-terv NKFP 3A/0055/2002 - |
| Running time: 2002-2005 |
| Project manager: Prof. Dr. Czvikovszky Tibor, Dr. Vas László Mihály |
94. | OM Széchenyi terv NKFP (3/001/2001) - Development of basal-fiber reinforced polymer composites structural material |
| Running time: 2001-2004 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
95. | OMFB-00426/2001:OM Műszer-2 Pályázat - |
| Running time: 2001-2002 |
| Project manager: Dr. Gaál János |
96. | OTKA T-038220 - Testing and modeling glass and carbon fiber reinforced structures with the aid of image processing |
| Running time: 2001-2004 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály, Dr. Tamás Péter |
97. | DuPont European University Support Program (donation) - Fundamentals of Comfort – Analysis of Fiber Packing of Yarns |
| Running time: 2001-2002 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály, Dr. Arun Pal Aneja |
98. | OTKA M-036373 - |
| Running time: 2001 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály |
99. | OM ALK-0089/2001 - |
| Running time: 2001-2003 |
| Project manager: Dr. Halász Marianna |
100. | OM KMFP 00013/2000 - Carbon fiber reinforced 3P resin tubes, technologies. Modifying, sizing, and testing the fiber surface of carbon fiber rovings |
| Running time: 2000-2002 |
| Project manager: Prof. Dr. Czvikovszky Tibor, Dr. Vas László Mihály |
101. | OM FKFP 0028/2000 - |
| Running time: 2000-2003 |
| Project manager: Dr. Halász Marianna, Dr. Tamás Péter |
102. | MKM FKFP (0089/1999) - Welding of polymer elements regarding the load carrying capacity and reliability of the seam |
| Running time: 1999-2001 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
103. | OTKA (F 025080) - Investigation of stress state at high deformability knitted structure reinforced polypropylene composites parallel by tests and numeriacl way |
| Running time: 1998-2001 |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
104. | OTKA T 022077 - Structural and stiffnes modelling of fiber reinforced non-regularly structured composite plates |
| Running time: 1997-1999 |
| Project manager: DR. Vas László Mihály, Balogh Krisztina |
105. | OTKA T-14991 - |
| Running time: 1996-2000 |
| Project manager: Dr. Halász Marianna |
106. | OTKA I/5 T 7652 - Testing the deformation of textile fabrics with the aid of image processing system |
| Running time: 1993-1994 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály, Eördögh Imre, Szász Károly |
107. | OTKA I/3 T 821 - Computer aided modeling of structure and strength of fiber bundles, fiber flows, and yarns |
| Running time: 1991-1994 |
| Project manager: Dr. Vas László Mihály |
108. | - MTA–BME Research Group for Composite Science and Technology |
| Running time: |
| Project manager: Dr. Czigány Tibor |
© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor