HUN-REN-BME Kutatócsoport

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A publikációs és hivatkozási listát az alábbi adatbázis(ok)ban nézheti meg:

Publikációs statisztika besorolás Scopus szerint / besorolás WoS szerint

Összes publikációk száma: 44

Magyar nyelvű publikációk száma: 5

Idegen nyelvű publikációk száma: 39

Q1-es cikkek száma: 28

ebből D1-es: 22

Q2-es cikkek száma: 2

Q3-as cikkek száma: 0

Q4-es cikkek száma: 0

Impakt faktor: 138.347

Összes független hivatkozások száma: 942

SCI-s független hivatkozások száma: 811

h-index: 15


  1. Czél G. , Bugár-Mészáros M., Wisnom M. R.: Combined effect of moisture and test temperature on the pseudo-ductility of thin-ply carbon/epoxy-glass/epoxy hybrid composites. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 165, 107353/1-107353/11 (2023) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107353 IF=8.7 D1
  2. Marino S. G., Kuželová Košťáková E. , Czél G. : Development of pseudo-ductile interlayer hybrid composites of standard thickness plies by interleaving polyamide 6 nanofibrous layers. Composites Science and Technology, 234, 109924/1-109924/14 (2023) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2023.109924 IF=9.1 D1
  3. Marton G. Zs., Mezey Z., Czél G.: Prepregből autoklávban gyártott kompozit lemezek rétegközi tulajdonságainak alakulása a térhálósítás során alkalmazott technológiai paraméterek függvényében. in 'XXXI. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia (OGÉT 2023) Temesvár, Románia. 2023.04.27-2023.04.30.,354-359 (2023)
  4. Marino S. G., Czél G. : Development and characterisation of reparable, film-interleaved, pseudo-ductile hybrid composites. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 169, 107496/1-107496/13 (2023) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107496 IF=8.7 D1
  5. Czél G. : Development of bi-directional pseudo-ductile glass/carbon-epoxy hybrid composites for improved safety in structural applications. Composites Part B (Engineering), 231, 109546/1-109546/ (2022) 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109546 IF=13.1 D1
  6. Rev T., Wisnom M. R., Xu X., Czél G. : The effect of transverse compressive stresses on tensile failure of carbon fibre/epoxy composites. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 156, 106894/1-106894/1-9 (2022) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106894 IF=8.7 D1
  7. Marino S. G., Czél G.: Improving the performance of pseudo-ductile hybrid composites by film-interleaving. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 142, 106233/1-106233/16 (2021) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.106233 IF=9.463 D1
  8. Wisnom M., Potter K., Czél G., Jalalvand M.: Strain overload sensor. GB2544792B, Egyesült Királyság (2020)
  9. Marino S.G., Mayer F., Bismarck A., Czél G.: Effect of Plasma-Treatment of Interleaved Thermoplastic Films on Delamination in Interlayer Fibre Hybrid Composite Laminates. Polymers, 12, 2834/1-2834/24 (2020) 10.3390/polym12122834 IF=4.329 Q1
  10. Rev T., Jalalvand M., Fuller J., Wisnom M. R., Czél G.: A simple and robust approach for visual overload indication - UD thin-ply hybrid composite sensors . Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 121, 376-385 (2019) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.03.005 IF=6.444 D1
  11. Csallány E. K., Czél G.: Rendezett nem folytonos szálakkal erősített, nagy teljesítményű polimer kompozitok mechanikai tulajdonságai nyomó terhelés esetén. Polimerek, 5, 388-392 (2019)
  12. Suwarta P., Fotouhi M., Czel G., Longana M., Wisnom M. R.: Fatigue behaviour of pseudo-ductile unidirectional thin-ply carbon/epoxy-glass/epoxy hybrid composites. Composite Structures, 224, UNSP 11099/1-UNSP 11099/ (2019) 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.110996 IF=5.138 D1
  13. Fotouhi M., Suwarta P., Jalalvand M., Czel G., Wisnom M. R.: Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Thin Ply Hybrid Composites under Repeated Quasi-Static Tensile Loading. FME Transactions, 46, 238-244 (2018) 10.5937/fmet1802238F
  14. Czél G., Rev T., Jalalvand M., Fotouhi M., Longana M. L., Nixon-Pearson O. J., Wisnom M. R.: Pseudo-ductility and reduced notch sensitivity in multi-directional all-carbon/epoxy thin-ply hybrid composites. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 104, 151-164 (2018) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.10.028 IF=6.282 D1
  15. Rév T., Czél G., Wisnom M. R.: A Novel Test Method to Induce Bi-axial Stress States in Thin-ply Carbon Composites Under Combined Longitudinal Tension and Transverse Compression. in 'American Society for Composites—Thirty-Third Technical Conference on Composite Materials Seattle, USA. 2018.09.24. - 2018.09.,9 (2018)
  16. Suwarta P., Czél G., Fotouhi M., Rycerz J., Wisnom M. R.: Pseudo-ductility of Unidirectional Thin Ply Hybrid Composites in Longitudinal Compression. in 'American Society for Composites—Thirty-Third Technical Conference on Composite Materials Seattle, USA. 2018.09.24. - 2018.09.,10 (2018)
  17. Czél G., Bugár-Mészáros M., Wisnom M. R.: The effect of test temperature on the pseudo-ductility of thin-ply hybrid composites. in '18th European Conference on Composite materials, ECCM18 Athens, Greece. 2018.06.24-2018.06.28.,1-8 (2018)
  18. Wisnom M. R., Czél G., Fotouhi M., Fuller J., Jalalvand M., Rev T., Wu X.: Reduced tensile notch-sensitivity in pseudo-ductile thin-ply composites. in '18th European Conference on Composite materials, ECCM18 Athens, Greece. 2018.06.24-2018.06.28.,1-7 (2018)
  19. Czél G., Jalalvand M., Wisnom M. R., Czigány T.: Design and characterisation of high performance, pseudo-ductile all-carbon/epoxy unidirectional hybrid composites. Composites Part B (Engineering), 111, 348-356 (2017) 10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.11.049 IF=4.92 D1
  20. Vas L. M., Kling S., Czigány T., Czél G.: New method for determining the bending modulus of solid and hollow fibers from deflection tests. Textile Research Journal, 87, 542-551 (2017) 10.1177/0040517516632476 IF=1.54 Q2
  21. Czél G., Jalalvand M., Wisnom M. R.: Hybrid specimens eliminating stress concentrations in tensile and compressive testing of unidirectional composites. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 91, 436-447 (2016) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.07.021 IF=4.075 D1
  22. Jalalvand M., Czél G., Fuller J. D., Wisnom M. R., Canal L. P., Gonzalez C. D., LLorca J.: Energy dissipation during delamination in composite materials - An experimental assessment of the cohesive law and the stress-strain field ahead of a crack tip. Composites Science and Technology, 134, 115-124 (2016) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.08.001 IF=4.873 D1
  23. Wisnom M. R., Czél G., Swolfs Y., Jalalvand M., Gorbatikh L., Verpoest I.: Hybrid effects in thin ply carbon/glass unidirectional laminates: Accurate experimental determination and prediction. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 88, 131-139 (2016) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.04.014 IF=4.075 D1
  24. Fotouhi M., Suwarta P., Jalalvand M., Czél G., Wisnom M. R.: Detection of fibre fracture and ply fragmentation in thin-ply UD carbon/glass hybrid laminates using acoustic emission. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 86, 66-76 (2016) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.04.003 IF=4.075 D1
  25. Czél G., Jalalvand M., Wisnom M. R.: Design and characterisation of advanced pseudo-ductile unidirectional thin-ply carbon/epoxy-glass/epoxy hybrid composites. Composite Structures, 143, 362-370 (2016) 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.02.010 IF=3.858 D1
  26. Czél G., Jalalvand M., Wisnom M. R., Canal L. P., Gonzalez C. D., LLorca J.: Novel experimental procedure and determination of full displacement fields of delaminating composite layer interfaces for evaluation of the mode II cohesive law. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 149, 326-337 (2015) 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.06.060 IF=2.024 Q1
  27. Czél G., Takács D.: Determination of hoop direction effective elastic moduli of non-circular profile, fiber reinforced polymer composite sewer liner pipes from lateral ring compression tests. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 134, 46-55 (2015) 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2015.08.006 IF=1.432 Q1
  28. Jalalvand M., Czél G., Wisnom M. R.: Parametric study of failure mechanisms and optimal configurations of pseudo-ductile thin-ply UD hybrid composites. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 74, 123-131 (2015) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.04.001 IF=3.719 D1
  29. Czél G., Jalalvand M., Wisnom M. R.: Demonstration of pseudo-ductility in unidirectional hybrid composites made of discontinuous carbon/epoxy and continuous glass/epoxy plies. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 72, 75-84 (2015) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.01.019 IF=3.719 D1
  30. Jalalvand M., Czél G., Wisnom M. R.: Damage analysis of pseudo-ductile thin-ply UD hybrid composites - A new analytical method. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 69, 83-93 (2015) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2014.11.006 IF=3.719 D1
  31. Czél G., Pimenta S., Wisnom M. R., Robinson P.: Demonstration of pseudo-ductility in unidirectional discontinuous carbon fibre/epoxy prepreg composites. Composites Science and Technology, 106, 110-119 (2015) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2014.10.022 IF=3.897 D1
  32. Czél G., Czigány T.: Finite element method assisted stiffness design procedure for non-circular profile composite wastewater pipe linings. Composite Structures, 112, 78-84 (2014) 10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.02.003 IF=3.318 D1
  33. Jalalvand M., Czél G., Wisnom M. R.: Numerical modelling of the damage modes in UD thin carbon/glass hybrid laminates. Composites Science and Technology, 94, 39-47 (2014) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2014.01.013 IF=3.569 D1
  34. Czél G., Wisnom M. R.: Demonstration of pseudo-ductility in high performance glass/epoxy composites by hybridisation with thin-ply carbon prepreg. Composites Part A (Applied Science and Manufacturing), 52, 23-30 (2013) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2013.04.006 IF=3.012 D1
  35. Czél G., Czigány T.: Image processing assisted stress estimation method for ring compression tests of polymer composite pipes at large displacements. Journal of Composite Materials, 46, 2803-2809 (2012) 10.1177/0021998311432945 IF=0.936 Q1
  36. Czél G., Czigány T.: Analysing fluctuation of material properties of non-circular profile filament wound composite pipes along perimeter of cross-section. Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 40, 369-373 (2011) 10.1179/1743289810Y.0000000009 IF=0.597 Q2
  37. Czél G, Czigány T: Modelling the fluctuation of material properties of non-circular profile filament wound composites pipes along the perimeter of the cross section. in 'Proceedings of the European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-14) Budapest, Magyarország. 2010.06.07-2010.06.10., (2010)
  38. Czél G., Czigány T.: Új módszerek üvegszálas poliészter kompozit csövek mechanikai tulajdonságainak pontosabb mérésére. Műanyag és Gumi, 46, 222-225 (2009)
  39. Czél G, Czigány T: A study of water absorption and mechanical properties of glass fiber/polyester composite pipes - effects of specimen geometry and preparation. Journal of Composite Materials, 42, 2815-2827 (2008) 10.1177/0021998308096668 IF=1.034 Q1
  40. Czél G, Czigány T: Tekercselt polimer kompozit csövek nedvességfelvételének, merevségének és szerkezetének komplex vizsgálati lehetőségei. Anyagvizsgálók Lapja, 17, 13-19 (2007)
  41. Czél G., Czigány T.: Development and analysis of new filament wound composite pipes made of glass fiber reinforced 3P resin. Macromolecular Symposia, 239, 232-244 (2006) 10.1002/masy.200650730 Q1
  42. Czél G, Czigány T: New materials for polymer concrete sewer pipes. in 'Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Mechanical Engineering, GÉPÉSZET 2006 Budapest, Magyarország. 2006.05.25-2006.05.26., (2006)
  43. Czél G, Czigány T: Tekercselt polimer kompozit csövek nedvességfelvételi tulajdonságainak elemzése. Gép, 57, 43-46 (2006)
  44. Czél G, Czigány T: Development and analysis of filament wound new composite pipes made of glass fibre reinforced 3P resin. in '8th International Symposium on Polymers for Advanced Technologies Budapest, Magyarország. 2005.09.13-2005.09.16.,232-244 (2005)
© 2014 BME Polimertechnika Tanszék - Készítette: Dr. Romhány Gábor