Production of polymer products by a short cycle time, automatized production technology for automotive applications, with exceptional focus on the complexity and recyclability of the composite parts
Prof. Dr. Tibor Czigány
Dr. Gábor Szebényi
Dr. Péter Bakonyi
Dr. Tamás Bárány
Róbert Boros
Dr. Gergely Czél
Prof. Dr. Tibor Czigány
Dr. Gergely Hegedűs
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. József Karger-Kocsis
Dr. Zoltán Kiss
Dr. Bálint Morlin
Dr. Kornél Pölöskei
Dr. Péter Tamás-Bényei
Tamás Temesi
Prof. Dr. Andrea Toldy
Dr. András Suplicz
Dr. Ferenc Szabó
Dr. István Zoltán Halász-Kutasi
István Hambalgó
Viktor Hliva
Tamás Temesi
Dr. Zoltán Tamás Mezey
Prof. Dr. Tibor Czvikovszky
Prof. Dr. László Mihály Vas
Dr. Brúnó György Vermes
Dr. Tatyana Ageyeva
Ilya Sibikin
HD Composite Zrt., Evopro Systems Engineering Kft., Econ Engineering Mérnöki, Szolgáltató Kft., MTA TTK
The aims of the project are to develop a T-RTM based polyamid matrix endless fiber reinforced composite production cell for large series production of recyclable parts with good surface quality, the thorough investigation of caprolactame processing, the symulation of processes and material behavior.
Development of caprolactam processing equipment.
Testing of composite material properties for simulation.
Development of preforming tester. Investigation of drapability of textiles and pefrormance of preform binders.
Design and installation of the T-RTM mould. Design and manufacture of permeability testers with fluid and air medium, permeability testing of different reinforcement materials and preform stacks. Design of overmoulding injection mould. Overmoulding tests on injection moulded and cast polyamide sheets, testing of injection moulding parameters on joint strength. Development of additive compositions for class-A surface.
In the third work period the following tasks were carried out at BME:
Literature survey in the field of permeability of reinforcing structures, surface coatings, overmoulding and joining technologies.
Investigation of the effects of additives for use in surface coatings. Casting tests. Creation and characterization of in-mould surface coatings.
Knowledge and technology transfer.
Permeability testing with air and liquid, setting up the correlations.
Development of in-mold coating technology.
Overmoulding, optimization of the contact of the overmoulded parts and the carrier, investigation of the effect of technological parameters.
Development of joining and final machining technologies.
As the final result of the project the first automatized T-RTM production line of Hungary was created. The technology is able to create novel, resistant in mould coatings in the same step as the production of the composite base structure.
The developed T-RTM production line (T-RTM press with the designed mould - left side, T-RTM dosing unit - right side)
Takács L.,
Szabó F.: Automated determination of the optimal manufacturing direction of polymer composite shell structures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,
1246, 012026/1-012026/8 (2022)
10.1088/1757-899X/1246/1/012026 Semperger O. V.,
Suplicz A.: The effect of the titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the morphology and degradation of polyamide 6 prepared by anionic ring-opening polymerization. Polymer Engineering and Science,
62, 2079-2088 (2022)
10.1002/pen.25990 IF=3.2 Q2
Semperger O. V., Pomlényi P., Suplicz A.: Felület-bevonatolási eljárás T-RTM technológiához. Polimerek, 7, 186-192 (2021)
Szebényi G.,
Magyar B.,
Czigány T.: Achieving Pseudo-Ductile Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites via Interfacial Engineering. Advanced Engineering Materials,
23, 2000822/1-2000822/7 (2021)
10.1002/adem.202000822 IF=4.122 Q2
Magyar B.,
Czigány T.,
Szebényi G.: Metal-alike polymer composites: The effect of inter-layer content on the pseudo-ductile behaviour of carbon fibre/epoxy resin materials. Composites Science and Technology,
215, 109002/1-109002/8 (2021)
10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109002 IF=9.879 Q1
Takács L.,
Szabó F.: An Effective Method of Modeling the Deformation Behavior of Polymer Sandwich Structures with Adhesive Joints. Applied Composite Materials,
28, 1959-1978 (2021)
10.1007/s10443-021-09948-1 IF=2.368 Q3
Forintos N., Sarkadi T.,
Czigány T.: Electric resistance measurement–based structural health monitoring with multifunctional carbon fibers: Predicting, sensing, and measuring overload. Composites Communications,
28, 100913/1-100913/4 (2021)
10.1016/j.coco.2021.100913 IF=7.685 Q1
Forintos N., Sarkadi T., Boros Cs. O.,
Czigány T.: Multifunctional carbon fiber sensors: The effect of anisotropic electrical conductivity. IEEE Sensors Journal,
21, 8960-8968 (2021)
10.1109/JSEN.2021.3053125 IF=4.325 Q1
Hegedűs G., Sarkadi T.,
Czigány T.: Self-sensing composite: Reinforcing fiberglass bundle for damage detection. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,
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10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105804 IF=7.664 D1
Szebényi G.,
Hliva V.,
Magyar B.: Development of interphase engineering techniques for the ductility improvement in CF/EP composites - Comparison of NDT methods for delamination localization. Materials Today: Proceedings,
34, 113-116 (2020)
10.1016/j.matpr.2020.01.403 Forintos N., Czigány T.: Multifunctional carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite structures: Reinforcing and sensing. in '6th International Conference on Sensors and Electronic Instrumentation Advances Porto, Portugália. 2020.09.23-2020.09.25.,162-166 (2020)
Vermes B.,
Czigány T.: Non-conventional deformations: Materials and actuation. Materials,
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10.3390/ma13061383 IF=3.623 Q1
Takács L.,
Szabó F.: Modeling the deformation behavior of polymer sandwich structures with inhomogeneous core. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,
903, 012024/1-012024/8 (2020)
doi:10.1088/1757-899X/903/1/012024 Vermes B., Czigány T.: Alakváltó kompozitok tervezése és gyártása autoklávval. Polimerek, 6, 895-899 (2020)
Takács L., Szabó F.: Polimer kompozit szerkezet redőződés szimulációja. Polimerek, 6, 1106-1110 (2020)
Takács L.,
Kovács L., Olajos T.: Numerical tool with mean-stress correction for fatigue life estimation of composite plates. ,
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10.1016/j.engfailanal.2020.104456 Semperger O. V.,
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Szebényi G.,
Magyar B.,
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23, 2000822/1-2000822/ (2020)
10.1002/adem.202000822 IF=3.862 Q2
Szebényi G., Blößl Y.,
Hegedűs G.,
Tábi T.,
Czigány T., Schledjewski R.: Fatigue monitoring of flax fibre reinforced epoxy composites using integrated fibre-optical FBG sensors. Composites Science and Technology,
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Takács L.,
Szabó F.: Experimental and numerical failure analysis of adhesive joint of glass fiber reinforced polymer composite. Periodica Polytechnica-Mechanical Engineering,
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10.3311/PPme.15106 Molnár K.,
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Semperger O. V., Suplicz A.: The effect of titanium dioxide on the moisture absorption of polyamide 6 prepared by T-RTM. in '12th Hungarian Conference on Materials Science Balatonkenese, Magyarország. 2019.10.13-2019.10.15,8 (2020)
Kiss Z.,
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Bárány T.,
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Takács L., Szabó F.: Vinilészter mátrixú kompozit ragasztott kötésének törésmechanikai jellemzői. Polimerek, 9, 661-665 (2019)
Magyar B., Szebényi G., Czigány T.: Comparison of different interfacial engineering methods to achieve pseudo-ductile behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites. in 'International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22) Melbourne, Australia. 2019.08.11-2019.08.16,9 (2019)
Semperger O. V., Suplicz A.: Titán-dioxid hatása az in-situ polimerizációval előállított poliamid 6 minták tulajdonságaira. Polimerek, 5, 730-733 (2019)
Hegedűs G., Sarkadi T.,
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Hliva V., Szebényi G.: Mesterséges rétegelválás modellezése polimer kompozitokban. in 'XXVII. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia (OGÉT2019) Nagyvárad, Románia. 2019.04.25-2019.04.28.,197-200 (2019)
Virág Á. D.,
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Forintos N.,
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Vermes B., Czigány T.: Layup optimization and ways to improve the manufacturability of coupled composites. in 'International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22) Melbourne, Australia. 2019.08.11-2019.08.16,7 (2019)
Hegedűs G., Czigány T.: Sérülés helyének megállapítása kompozit szerkezetekben az üveg erősítőanyag felhasználásával. in 'XXVII. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia OGÉT 2019 Nagyvárad. 2019.04.25-2019.04.28.,189-192 (2019)
Kovács L., Romhány G.: Szálhullámosság hatása hosszú szálerősítésű unidirekcionális kompozit mechanikai tulajdonságaira. Polimerek, 5, 696-701 (2019)
Szebényi G.,
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Hegedűs G., Sarkadi T.,
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Boros R.,
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Szebényi G., Hliva V., Tamás-Bényei P.: Investigation of delaminated composites by DIC and AE methods. in 'International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22) Melbourne, Australia. 2019.08.11-2019.08.16,7 (2019)
Vas L. M., Kocsis Z.,
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Szebényi G., Tamás-Bényei P., Sibikin I., Ageyeva T., Osváth Zs., Pásztor Sz., Iván B., Karger-Kocsis J., Czigány T.: Ɛ-kaprolaktám alkalmazása T-RTM technológiákban. in 'ERŐSÍTETT MŰANYAGOK 2018 Nemzetközi BALATON Konferencia Balatonkenese, Magyarország. 2018.05.15-2018.05.16.,7 (2018)
Szebényi G., Faragó D., Lámfalusi Cs., Göbl R.: Interfacial adhesion improvement in carbon fiber/carbon nanotube reinforced hybrid composites by the application of a reactive hybrid resin initiated by gamma irradiation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry,
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Boros R.,
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Hegedűs G.,
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Kovács L., Romhány G.: Effect of variability of mechanical parameters on the deformation behaviour and failure of fibre reinforced plastic materials. in 'ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials Athens, Greece. 2018.06.24-2018.06.28., (2018)
Szebényi G.,
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Vermes B., Czigány T.: Kompozitok alakváltásának lehetőségei. Gép, 69, 51-54 (2018)
Pomázi Á., Toldy A.: Égésgátolt glicerin alapú epoxigyanta kompozitok fejlesztése mérnöki alkalmazásokhoz. Polimerek, 4(2), 59-64 (2018)
Hegedűs G.,
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Hegedűs G., Sarkadi T.,
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Forintos N., Czigány T.: Üvegszál erősítésű kompozitok deformációjának mérése szénszálak segítségével. in 'OGÉT 2017: XXV. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia Kolozsvár, Románia. 2017.04.27-2017.04.30.,147-150 (2017)
Szebényi G.,
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Czigány T., Forintos N., Hegedűs G.: Health monitoring of high-performance polymer composites with multifunctional fibers. in 'ICCM21 Xi'an, Kína. 2017.08.20-2017.08.25.,8 (2017)
Szebényi G.,
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Péter B., Hegedűs G., Czigány T.: T-RTM eljárással gyártott alkatrészek gyártási folyamatának kihívásai, különös tekintettel az erősítőanyagok kezelésére. Gép, 68, 37-42 (2017)
Hegedűs G., Czigány T.: Optikai szálak alkalmazása polimer anyagvizsgálatokhoz. in 'OGÉT 2017: XXV. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia Kolozsvár, Románia. 2017.04.27-2017.04.30.,175-178 (2017)