National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Project ID:
RRF-2.3.1-21-2022- 00009
Supported by:
Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)
1 September 2022 - 31 August 2025
Supervisor (BME):
Dr. József Gábor Kovács
Dr. Béla Zink
Participant researchers (BME):
Dr. József Gábor Kovács
Dr. András Suplicz
Dr. Béla Zink
Project summary
BME - The implementer of the “bipolar plate” subproject is the MTA – BME Momentum Lightweight Polymer Composites Research Group operating within the BME Department of Polymer Engireering. The group's research topic is the development of hybrid technologies, involving Injection Molding, 3D printing and Thermoplastic-Resin Transfer Molding (T-RTM), to develop hydrogen cell components, primarily bipolar plate and cell assembly technology.
Project results
Section 1
1 July 2022 - 31 Marc 2023
Graphite- and carbon black-filled composites based on the in-situ polymerization of ε-caprolactam were investigated. The processability, hardness, residual monomer content, crystalline fraction, tensile modulus and strength, electrical and thermal conductivity of the samples were investigated. Based on the results, it can be concluded that expanded graphite and carbon black filled composites should be developed in further work, as they are the easiest to process and have the highest electrical and thermal conductivity.
Section 2
1 April 2023 - 31 Marc 2024
Based on the experience of our previous work, we have continued the development of a polypropylene matrix composite filled with graphite and carbon black. We have investigated the processability, mechanical properties, electrical conductivity and dispersibility of the fillers in mono- and hybrid composites. Based on the results, an analytical model was established to determine the conductivity of the composite raw materials as a function of filler content.
Preliminary experiments have been carried out to combine processing technologies. The geometry of the bipolar plates was finalised based on processing and flow calculation results. Conceptual designs of processing tools and fabrication technologies for the production of bipolar plates have been finalised. Other components of the hydrogen cell (hydrogen tank, connectors, etc.) were selected from commercially available components.
Section 3
1 April 2024 - 31 Marc 2025
Section 4
1 April 2025 - 30 September 2025
Project-related publications
Krizsma Sz.,
Mészáros L.,
Kovács N. K.,
Suplicz A.: Expanding the applicability of material jetting–printed photopolymer prototype injection moulds by gamma irradiation post-treatment. Journal of Manufacturing Processes,
134, 135-145 (2025) IF=6.1 Q1
Szuchács A.,
Kovács J. G.: Calculation of the bonding strength of semi-crystalline polymers during overmolding. Polymer Testing,
139, 1-6 (2024)
10.1016/j.polymertesting.2024.108579 IF=5 D1
Horváth Sz.,
Kovács J. G.: Effect of Processing Parameters and Wall Thickness on the Strength of Injection Molded Products. Periodica Polytechnica-Mechanical Engineering,
68, 78-84 (2024)
10.3311/PPme.24068 IF=1.3 Q3
Krizsma Sz.,
Suplicz A.: Comprehensive Measurement and Simulation of Prototype Injection Moulds. Defect and Diffusion Forum,
, 141-150 (2024)
10.4028/p-Y3Lvjr Széplaki P., Suplicz A.: Poliamid 6 mátrixú kompozit szendvicsszerkezetek gyárthatósága T-RTM technológiával. Polimerek, 10, 226-232 (2024)
Párizs R. D.,
Török D.: An experimental study on the application of reinforcement learning in injection molding in the spirit of Industry 4.0. Applied Soft Computing,
167, 112236/1-112236/14 (2024)
10.1016/j.asoc.2024.112236 IF=7.2 D1
Krizsma Sz.,
Széplaki P.,
Suplicz A.: Coupled injection moulding simulation–thermal and mechanical simulation method to analyse the operational behaviour of additively manufactured polymeric injection moulds. Results in Engineering,
23, 102558/1-102558/16 (2024) IF=6 D1
Virág Á. D.,
Suplicz A.,
Török D.: Prediction of the thermal degradation–induced colour change of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene products as a function of temperature and titanium dioxide content. Results in Engineering,
24, 103505/1-103505/1-11 (2024) IF=6 D1
Krizsma Sz. G.,
Suplicz A.: Monitoring and modelling the deformation of an aluminium prototype mould insert under different injection moulding and clamping conditions. Results in Engineering,
20, 101556/1-101556/13 (2023)
10.1016/j.rineng.2023.101556 IF=6 D1
Krizsma Sz.,
Suplicz A.: Analysis of the applicability and state monitoring of material extrusion–printed acrylonitrile butadiene styrene injection mould inserts with different infill levels. Materials Today Communications,
35, 106294/1-106294/ (2023)
10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106294 IF=3.7 Q2
Krizsma Sz., Suplicz A.: Prototípus fröccsöntő szerszámok üzem közbeni állapotfelügyelete és termékminőség vizsgálata. in 'XXXI. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia Temesvár, Románia. 2023.04.17-2023.04.30.,323-328 (2023)
Szuchács A.,
Ageyeva T.,
Kovács J. G.: Modeling and measuring the bonding strength of overmolded polymer parts. Polymer Testing,
125, 15 (2023)
10.1016/j.polymertesting.2023.108133 IF=5 D1
Semperger O. V.,
Suplicz A.: The degradation during recycling of polyamide 6 produced by anionic ring‑opening polymerization of ε‑caprolactam. Scientific Reports,
13, 17130/1-17130/11 (2023) IF=3.8 Q1
Párizs R. D.,
Török D.,
Ageyeva T.,
Kovács J. G.: Multiple In-Mold Sensors for Quality and Process Control in Injection Molding. Sensors,
23, 1735/1-1735/18 (2023)
10.3390/s23031735 IF=3.4 Q2
Török D.,
Ageyeva T.,
Boros R., Kovács Á.,
Kovács J. G.: Developing a method for evaluating color changeover in a hot-runner multi-cavity injection mold. Polymer Testing,
115, 107759/1-107759/9 (2022)
10.1016/j.polymertesting.2022.107759 IF=5.1 D1
Török D.,
Zink B.,
Ageyeva T., Hatos I., Zobač M., Fekete I.,
Boros R., Hargitai H.,
Kovács J. G.: Laser powder bed fusion and casting for an advanced hybrid prototype mold. Journal of Manufacturing Processes,
81, 748-758 (2022)
10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.07.034 IF=6.2 Q2
Semperger O. V.,
Török D.,
Suplicz A.: Development and Analysis of an In-Mold Coating Procedure for Thermoplastic Resin Transfer Molding to Produce PA6 Composites with a Multifunctional Surface. Periodica Polytechnica-Mechanical Engineering,
66, 350-360 (2022)
10.3311/PPme.21048 IF=1.3
© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor