HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Curriculum vitae | Research interests | Publications | Taught subjects | Proposed topics

Education / Work

2021 - Associate professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
2014 - 2021 Assistant professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
2013 - 2014 Assistant lecturer, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
2012 - 2013 Assistant research fellow, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
2009 - 2012 Ph.D. student, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
2003 - 2009 Mechanical engineer (M.Sc.), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Scientific degrees

2014 Ph.D. - Electrospun nanofibrous structures and their composites

Prizes, acknowledgements, scholarships

2021 Innovation Award of the Pro Progressio Fund
2021 BME - Pro Progressio Fund - Élet és Tudomány - Contest for popular science articles, 1st prize
2020 Youth Academy Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2019 - 2022 Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2016 Scholarship of the Hungarian-American Enterprise Scholarship Fund (HAESF) - University of Akron, Ohio, USA
2012 Innovation Award of the Pro Progressio Fund
2011 International Summer School on Polymers 2011 (Smolenice, Slovakia), 2nd prize of the poster session
2011 BMe Research Grant - 2011 - 1st prize
2009 XXIX. National Students' Scientific Conference 1st prize
2009 Pro Scientia Golden Medal Award
2009 Best Poster Award of the 3rd Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference (Aachen)
2007 XXVIII. National Students' Scientific Conference 3rd prize
2007 Students' Scientific Conference 1st prize
2007 Students' Scientific Conference 1st prize
2006 Students' Scientific Conference 1st prize

Number of the projects lead: 5

Tutorial activity

Completed PhD: 2

Running PhD: 2

Completed Diplom: 34

Completed Diplom: 39

Completed SSC: 18

Statistics of publications

Total number of publications: 82

Number of Hungarian publications: 10

Number of publications in foreign language: 72

Number of Q1 publications (according to Scopus): 44

of which D1 (according to Scopus): 14

Number of Q2 publications (according to Scopus): 8

Number of Q3 publications (according to Scopus): 2

Number of Q4 publications (according to Scopus): 0

Impact factor: 226.45

Total number of independent citations:

Number of independent citations in SCI: 1129

h-index: 19


2019 - Professor Extraordinaire (adjunct), Tshwane University of Technology
2016 - Member of the Hungarian Society of Materials Science
2014 - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee of Fiber and Composite Technology - member

© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor