HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Curriculum vitae | Research interests | Publications | Taught subjects | Proposed topics

Education / Work

2020 - researcher, MTA-BME Lendület Lightweight Polymer Composites Research Group
2020 - Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering, associate professor
2012 - 2019 Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering, assistant professor
2011 Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering, teaching assistant
2007 - 2011 Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering, PhD student
2002 - 2007 Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Machine Elements, Department of Polymer Engineering, MSc study
1998 - 2002 ELTE Apáczai Csere János Secondary Grammar School, Budapest

Scientific degrees

2011 PhD - Development of fiber and nanoparticle reinforced hybrid composites

Prizes, acknowledgements, scholarships

2024 Rector's applause
2024 GHK Excellent Lecturer of the Faculty Award
2023 - Bolyai Janos Research Scholarship
2018 Rector's applause
2018 GHK Excellent Lecturer of the Faculty Award
2014 - 2017 Bolyai Janos Research Scholarship
2010 Dean's applause
2009 Dean's applause
2007 National Students' Scientific Conference 2nd prize
2007 Students' Scientific Conference in Temesvar 3rd prize
2006 Students' Scientific Conference 1st prize, Pro Progressio Prize
2006 - 2007 BUTE Faculty Scholarship
2006 - 2007 Republic Scholarship

Number of the projects lead: 6

Tutorial activity

Completed PhD: 4

Running PhD: 2

Completed Diplom: 53

Completed Diplom: 60

Completed SSC: 32

Statistics of publications

Total number of publications: 88

Number of Hungarian publications: 19

Number of publications in foreign language: 69

Number of Q1 publications (according to Scopus): 26

of which D1 (according to Scopus): 7

Number of Q2 publications (according to Scopus): 10

Number of Q3 publications (according to Scopus): 3

Number of Q4 publications (according to Scopus): 2

Impact factor: 109.166

Total number of independent citations: 689

Number of independent citations in SCI: 550

h-index: 14


2007 english (intermediate)
2000 german (intermadiate)

© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor