HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Curriculum vitae | Research interests | Publications | Taught subjects | Proposed topics

You can see the publication list in the following database:

Statistics of publications ranking by Scopus / ranking by WoS

Total number of publications: 10

Number of Hungarian publications: 3

Number of publications in foreign language: 7

Number of Q1 publications: 4

of which D1: 1

Number of Q2 publications: 1

Number of Q3 publications: 1

Number of Q4 publications: 0

Impact factor: 22.808

Total number of independent citations:

Number of independent citations in SCI:



  1. Varga L. J., Görbe Á., Bárány T.: Amorf poli-alfa-olefinnel adalékolt polipropilén mátrixú nyújtott nanokompozitok fejlesztése. Polimerek, 9, 27-32 (2023)
  2. Varga L. J., Görbe Á., Bárány T.: Polypropylene blends for highly drawn tapes with improved toughness. ACS Omega, 8, 22827-22835 (2023) 10.1021/acsomega.3c01772
  3. Varga L. J., Bárány T.: Development challenge for synthetic polymer fibers and tapes: improving toughness. Express Polymer Letters, 17, 991-991 (2023) 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2023.73
  4. Görbe Á., Varga L. J., Bárány T.: Development of nanoparticle-filled polypropylene-based single polymer composite foams. Heliyon, 9, e19638/1-e19638/15 (2023) 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19638 IF=4 Q1
  5. Varga L. J., Bárány T.: Development of drawn polypropylene-based blends and composites. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1246, 012023/1-012023/8 (2022) 10.1088/1757-899X/1246/1/012023 Q3
  6. Vámos Cs., Varga L. J., Marosfői B., Bárány T.: Role of extruded sheet morphology in phase separation and final morphology of superhydrophobic polypropylene. Periodica Polytechnica-Mechanical Engineering, 66, 260-271 (2022) 10.3311/PPme.20509 IF=1.3 Q2
  7. Görbe Á., Varga L. J., Bárány T.: Önerősített polimer kompozitok ismételt ütővizsgálata. in 'XXIX. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia OGÉT 2021 Online. 2021.04.23.,110-113 (2021)
  8. Varga L. J., Bárány T.: Development of recyclable, lightweight polypropylene-based single polymer composites with amorphous poly-alpha-olefin matrices. Composites Science and Technology, 201, 108535/1-108535/10 (2021) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108535 IF=9.879 D1
  9. Varga L. J., Bárány T.: Development of Polypropylene-Based Single-Polymer Composites With Blends of Amorphous Poly-Alpha-Olefin and Random Polypropylene Copolymer. Polymers, 12, 1429/1-1429/ (2020) 10.3390/polym12061429 IF=4.329 Q1
  10. Varga L. J., Bárány T.: Fröccsöntött amorf poli-alfa-olefin mátrixú önerősített kompozit fejlesztése. in 'XXVIII. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia – OGÉT online konferencia. 2020.05.25.,89-92 (2020)
© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor