HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Curriculum vitae | Research interests | Publications | Taught subjects | Proposed topics

Education / Work

2022 - full professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Polymer Engineering
2019 - 2022 associate professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Polymer Engineering
2009 - 2019 assistant professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Polymer Engineering
2008 - 2008 assistant lecturer at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Polymer Engineering
2006 - 2008 research fellow at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology
2003 - 2007 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, György Oláh Doctoral School
1998 - 2003 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Engineering M. Sc. in Chemical Engineering, specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, university diploma with honours
1994 - 1998 Miklós Radnóti Grammar School, Szeged, specialized in Chemistry, excellent school certificate

Professional Experience Abroad

2018 - reviewer of H2020 and Horizon Europe project proposals
2009 research visit at Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
2008 research visit at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
2006 “Ethics and Sustainable Development Issues in Engineering Education”- course organized by BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
2003 intensive ATHENS course „Dermatologie et cosmétologie” at ParisTech, Paris, France
2003 final project for diploma at École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, Laboratoire des Procédés d'Elaboration des Revêtements Fonctionnels as Socrates student
2002 exchange student at Technical University of Vienna
2001 professional training at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Slovenia organized by IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience)
2001 "Energy: Challenges for the Third Millennium"-Summer Course organised by BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) at L'Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL) in Nancy, France
2000 "The Technology of Beauty"- Summer Course organised by BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) at Warsaw University of Technology in Poland


2022 - 2025 Development of PET packaging with increased heat resistance through waste recovery (GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21-2022-00041)
2022 - 2026 Development of recyclable-by-design high performance fibre reinforced polymer composites Hungarian project(identification number: K142517)
2022 - 2026 Analysis of plastic transport in rivers Hungarian project (identification number: K143623)
2022 - 2024 Comparative machinability analysis of conventional thermoset and sustainable polymer-based carbon fibre reinforced aerospace composites (SANDY) bilateral project with USA (identification number: 2021-1.2.4-TÉT)
2019 - 2022 Industry 4.0 assisted, one-pot manufacturing of valued-added polymer systems with multifunctional coating in the first step for automotive industry and extending to further marketable application fields (2018-1.3.1-VKE-2018-00011)
2016 - 2020 Development of flame retarded polymer composites for engineering applications Hungarian project (identification number: K120592)
2016 - 2019 Production of polymer products by a short cycle time, automatized production technology for automotive applications, with exceptional focus on the complexity and recyclability of the composite parts (NVKP_16-1-2016-0046)
2015 - 2018 Multifunctional Bio-based Hybrid Thermosets: Synthesis, Characterization and Potential Use in Composites Hungarian project (identification number: 114547)
2013 - 2016 Development of flame retarded composites of reduced additive content for upgrading of recycled PET Hungarian project (identification number: 109224)
2012 - 2014 Development of an innovative bio-based resin for aeronautical applications(Clean Sky) EU7 project (identification number: 298090)
2011 - 2014 Development and characterization of epoxy resin-based shape memory polymer (SMP) systems Hungarian project (identification number: 83421)
2010 - 2012 Resin, Laminate and Industrial Nanoparticles Concept and Application. Industrialization (Clean Sky) EU7 project (identification number:270599)
2009 - 2011 Development of polymer nano- and biocomposites of designed stability and controlled technology for their production Hungarian project (identification number: 76346)
2009 - 2011 Development of a novel polymer composite of advanced recyclability for large series production Hungarian project (identification number: 75117)
2009 - 2011 Development of technologies for utilization of organic materials from car and electronic waste for avoiding future landfill dumping project in Jedlik Ányos Program (identification number: OM-00278/2008)
2009 - 2010 Recycling of polymer and polymer composites for industrial applications Polish-Hungarian project (identification number: PL-9/08)
2008 - 2012 Magnetic sorting and ultrasound sensor technologies for production of high purity secondary polyolefins from waste (W2PLASTICS) EU7 project (identification number: 212782)
2008 - 2009 Development of Natural Fibre based Composites for Automotive Applications Indian-Hungarian project (identification number: IND-7/2006)
2008 - 2011 Preparation and realization of transport safety innovations in production of prototype of new 4 person composite aircraft project in Jedlik Ányos Program (identification number: OM-00168/2008)
2007 - 2010 Innovative sensor-based processing technology of nanostructured multifunctional hybrids and composites (MULTIHYBRIDS) EU6 project ( (identification number: IP 026685-2)
2005 - 2008 Investigation of new synthetic pathways for environmental flame retardants and their mechanism of action Hungarian projet (identification number: 49121)
2004 - 2007 Environmentally friendly multifunctional fire retardant polymer hybrids and nanocomposites (NANOFIRE) EU6 project ( (identification number: IP 026685-2)
2000 - 2003 New surface modified flame retarded polymeric systems to improve safety in transportation and other areas (FLAMERET) EU5 project ( (identification number: G5RD-CT-1999-00120)

Scientific degrees

2019 Doctor of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (DSc)
2019 Dr. habil. of Engineering Sciences, Mechanical Engineering
2007 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences, summa cum laude rating, (1736-PhD)

Prizes, acknowledgements, scholarships

2023 Michelberger Award for Mentoring Ákos Pomázi
2022 Gábor Dénes Award
2022 Honourable mention from the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
2020 Bolyai-plaque
2015 - 2019 János Bolyai Postdoctoral Scholarship
2012 Technical Literature Award of Hungarian Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers
2010 Women Chemists and Innovation Conference Oral Presentation Prize
2010 6th International Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers Best Poster Prize
2009 „NKTH IPARJOG - Support for the international patenting of Hungarian innovations” with Hungarian patent entitled “Process for the preparation of amine functional phosphoric amides and their use as flame retardant and curing agent for epoxy resins”
2009 - 2013 János Bolyai Postdoctoral Scholarship
2009 L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science Award
2007 Tibor Máthé Prize for Innovative PhD Thesis
2006 - 2007 Sumitomo PhD scholarship
2003 Tibor Máthé Prize for Innovative Final Project for Diploma
2003 Tibor Meisel Prize for the best average of the year of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering
2003 honourable mention at the 26th Hungarian Students' Conference with the presentation "Selective synthesis of phosphorylated and phosphinylated hydroxy phenols and their use as flame retardants"
2002 - 2003 Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary
2001 - 2002 Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary
2001 - 2002 Scholarship of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering
2001 1st prize at the Students' Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Technology section of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering
2000 - 2001 Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary
2000 1st prize at the Students' Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the English section with the presentation "Inside Story of Lipsticks"
1999 special prize of the vice rector György Horvai at the Students' Conference at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the English section with the presentation "The Science of Making Wine"

Number of the projects lead: 6

Tutorial activity

Completed PhD: 3

Running PhD: 1

Completed Diplom: 17

Completed Diplom: 20

Completed SSC: 14

Statistics of publications

Total number of publications: 107

Number of Hungarian publications: 15

Number of publications in foreign language: 92

Number of Q1 publications (according to Scopus): 42

of which D1 (according to Scopus): 19

Number of Q2 publications (according to Scopus): 11

Number of Q3 publications (according to Scopus): 8

Number of Q4 publications (according to Scopus): 0

Impact factor: 167.067

Total number of independent citations: 1480

Number of independent citations in SCI: 1224

h-index: 24


2023 - Hungarian Academy of Sciences Presidential Committee on Academic Career of Women member
2023 - vice president of Hungarian Plastics Association responsible for relations between higher education and industry
2022 - member of the Habilitation Committee and Doctoral Council of the Géza Pattantyús-Ábrahám Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences
2021 - Hungarian Young Academy member
2021 - board member of Hungarian Plastics Association responsible for relations between higher education and industry
2021 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering GEP (Gender Equality Plan) responsible
2021 - member of BME Talent Support Council
2021 19th Fire Retardant Polymeric Materials conference, chairperson of the local organizing committee
2019 - 2024 Expert of the Research Domain College of the János Bolyai Postdoctoral Fellowship
2010 member of the Organizing Committee of 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, organized in Budapest, Hungary, 7-10 June 2010 (
2008 - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee of Fiber- and Composite Technology (identification number: 18091)
2008 - eXPRESS Polymer Letters Executive Editorial Board member
2005 member of the Organizing Committee of 8th International Symposium Polymers for Advanced Technologies organized in Budapest, Hungary 13-16 September 2005 (
2002 member of the Local Committee of 2nd International Conference on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilisation (MoDeSt) organized in Budapest, Hungary 30 June - 4 July 2002 (
2001 - 2003 member of the Local Committee of IAESTE Hungary - Hungarian Engineering Students' Association at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics


2007 Spanish: advanced (B2)
2005 German: fluent (C1)
2003 English: fluent (C1)
2003 French: advanced (B2)
1996 Serbian: fluent (B2)

© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor