Final Exam
The BSc program ends with a final exam. Students who have fulfilled the requirements of the code of studies and submitted the bachelor thesis can register for the final exam. The final exam consists of two parts.
Oral exam:
The student answers the exam questions from the subjects indicated on the bachelor thesis assignment sheet (see below). Each exam subject is evaluated with a grade on the 5-grade scale. The final exam grade is the average of the exam grades (Exam Grade).
Thesis defence:
The student summarizes the key questions and the results of the bachelor thesis in a 10-minute oral presentation and then answers the questions of the final exam committee. Based on the thesis defense and the recommendation of the reviewer, the committee evaluates the student’s thesis work with a grade on a 5-grade scale (thesis grade).
There will be four compulsory subjects in the final exam (irrespective of the department where the bachelor thesis was prepared):
Registering for the final exam
In the last week of the semester (14th week), the Central Academic Office (CAO) informs the students regarding the details of the final exam registration procedure. The CAO website provides detailed instructions about registering for the final exam and procedures related to the final exam. Students can register for the final exam via the Neptun system in the following way:
Log into Neptun with your student code and password and go to the ‘final exams’ under the ‘administration’ tab. Beside the name of the final exam period, you can see the dates and times of the start and end of the period, the specialization name, the dates and times of the start and end of the final exam registration period (if the period is open) and a green check mark (if you have already chosen the period). Find the exam period corresponding to the Department where you registered for the bachelor thesis project. When you have chosen your final exam period, please click the grey + (Options) button at the end of the line, and in the window that opens click the Register/Registration modification button, then scroll down in the opening window, and click Save to complete your registration. If it is completed properly, you will see the ‘Success window’ after clicking ‘Next and Submit a request’.
The date of the final exam
The department announces a schedule for the final exams a few days after the registration deadline. The final exams take place in January and in June for the fall and spring semesters, respectively. If you have any questions, please kindly contact Dr. Bálint MORLIN ( the person in charge of final exams at the Department of Polymer Engineering.