HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Scientific Students' Associations activity (SSA)

In the course of SSA the student or students study a narrow area of a field of science for some time and with the supervision of a professor, complete a project of scientific quality which is beyond the subject matter taught at the university. How far a student gets in their research depends on their interest, ability, time and successful cooperation with the supervisor.

To show the results of SSA projects, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BME organizes a Conference of Scientific Students' Associations every year, usually in the first part of November. In order to participate in the Conference, a student has to prepare and submit a report of the work done and give a presentation. The report usually summarizes half a year to one year of research but a successful summer practice or work done in the framework of foreign placement can also lead to a paper. The most successful papers can be entered in the National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations, held every two years. Both BSc and MSc students can take part in the conference.

Why is it worth writing an SSA paper?

Writing an SSA paper entails extra work but it is worth the effort. A place in an SSA conference means moral and also financial benefit. It means extra points when the student applies for Master’s or PhD training, and also means extra points when faculty or national scholarships are awarded. A successful SSA paper is often continued as a dissertation or thesis, and the experience gained during making the paper and the opinion of the assessor can be used in the dissertation or thesis. A Conference of Scientific Students' Associations provides an excellent opportunity to practice giving presentations.

The paper is evaluated based on a given set of criteria, by an independent professional assessor. Presentations in conferences organized by the faculty have to be given before a professional committee, who award points for both the presentation and the work done. The committee uses the sum of the points for the presentation and the paper to decide the order and makes a proposal for the prizes to be awarded.

Topics for SSA | Current SSA topics | SSA conferences

SSA conference's resultsGéza Bodor special award

Polymer technic section
Chairman:Prof. Dr. Vas László Mihály honorary professor
Members:Dr. Ronkay Ferenc head of material testing laboratory, Jász-Plasztik
Dr. Litauszki Katalin mechanical engineer
Secretary:Dr. Morlin Bálint assistant professor
Date:2024. 11. 21.
Venue:BME T ép., 2. emelet, T200 terem

1st prize
Kunsági Viktória
Investigation of the applicability of different blowing agents for the development of biopolymer-based in-situ foamable filaments for 3D printing
Consultant: Dr. Tomin Márton

Csillag Jessica Boglárka
Multiple recycling of PLA: the effect of chain extensders on the mechanical properties and biodegradability
Consultant: Dr. Gere Dániel
GHK különdíj

2nd prize
Major Levente
Effect of Processing Parameters on Thermoplastic Elastomers Made with Ground Tire Rubber
Consultant: Görbe Ákos, Dr. Bárány Tamás

3rd prize
Orlóci Zsófia
Testing the recyclability of mixed PET and PLA bottle waste
Consultant: Dr. Gere Dániel

Girhiny Róza Júlia
Study of the effect of home and industrial composting conditions on the degradation of biopolymers
Consultant: Dr. Gere Dániel

Bocsó Noémi, Németh Janka Blanka
Development of biopolymer blends for additive manufacturing
Consultant: Dr. Tomin Márton, Dr. Kovács Norbert Krisztián

Egerszegi Boglárka Fanni
Investigation of the mechanical and thermal properties of a biocompatible, 3D printable photopolymer.
Consultant: Krizsma Szabolcs Gábor

Ireghy Benedek
Laser welding of transparent polymer materials using an absorbent foil of the same material
Consultant: Dr. Bakonyi Péter, Szabó Barnabás, Ngo Ha Trang

Polymer composites section
Chairman:Dr. Toldy Andrea professor
Members:de Rivo Balázs development team leader, Zoltek Zrt.
Dr. Mezey Zoltán assistant professor
Secretary:Dr. Petrény Roland assistant professor
Date:2024. 11. 21.
Venue:BME T ép., 2. emelet, T201 terem

1st prize
Devecser Boglárka
Development of flame retardant coatings for carbon fibre-reinforced vitrimer composites
Consultant: Pomázi Ákos, Poór Dániel István, Toldy Andrea
Bodor Géza különdíj

Lipkovics Kata
Investigation of the hydrolitic degradability of nanofiber interleaved 3D printed polylactic acid samples
Consultant: Dr. Molnár Kolos, Abdullah Kardo Khalid
Knorr-Bremse különdíj

2nd prize
Gáspár Botond
Development of a retractable drive unit for composite boats
Consultant: Dr. Mezey Zoltán Tamás, Marton Gergő Zsolt

Balogh Fanni
Investigation of the damage modes of designed failure composites by acoustic emission method
Consultant: Dr. Szebényi Gábor, Marton Gergő Zsolt, Dr. Romhány Gábor

3rd prize
Meglécz Ádám
Formula Student versenyautó kompozit felni tervezése
Consultant: Szederkényi Bence

Mezei Zsombor
3D nyomtatott, folytonos szálerősített szikramentes tűzszerész kulcs tervezése topológiai optimalizációs módszerekkel
Consultant: Szederkényi Bence, Kovács Norbert Krisztián

Csapó Maja, Matók Anna
Investigation of the interlaminar behavior of designed failure composites
Consultant: Dr. Szebényi Gábor, Marton Gergő Zsolt, Dr. Romhány Gábor

© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor