HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Writing a BSc thesis

The thesis is intended to give the student an experience in independent work to demonstrate advanced knowledge in a field of study. It is an opportunity to put the knowledge acquired during the programme into practice. The Bachelor’s thesis is used to assess the student’s initiative and ability to plan, report and present a project.

All students undertake thesis work during their 7th semester. The thesis consists of one-semester long work within the scope of BMEGEPTA4SD. First, the student must choose a topic and a supervisor from one of the above-mentioned partner departments. (Department of Materials Science and Technology, Department of Machine and Product Design, Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, and the Department of Polymer Engineering). Each department announces the current thesis topics and corresponding supervisor on their own web pages. Students can find the contact information of topic announcers on the department web pages in order to schedule a meeting. After this, the student must choose the subject called Final Project in the Neptun System. The recommended period for choosing a topic is registration week–first study week of the semester. The student can also determine the topic before or early in the final semester of full-time studies, with a goal of completing the thesis the following spring or fall semester. The supervisor and consultant prepare an assignment sheet of the thesis in order to set tasks for the student’s thesis work. The tasks indicated in the assignment sheet are shared with the student. Meanwhile, the student should choose three subjects for the final examination from their curricula. The chosen subjects shall be indicated in the assignment sheet. Hereafter, the assignment sheet is handed to the Head of Department and Dean's office for approval. The student receives the assignment sheet and confirms it via signing it. The approved and signed assignment sheet is inserted in the printed version of the thesis. The student attaches the signed assignment sheet into their manuscript as page iii and iv and fill in the required information.

A thesis usually consists of a literature review, collecting information and independent engineering work, supervised and guided by the supervisor and perhaps other internal or external consultant(s). The student is responsible for maintaining regular contact with their supervisor and/or consultant(s), and to follow the progress and meeting plan.

At the end of the “Final project” subject, the student submits two printed copies of the final thesis approved by the supervisor. The full and completed thesis in both electronic and printed form should be submitted to the Department of Polymer Engineering until the end of 14th week of the semester. The thesis shall be defended in the Final Exam.
The “Final project” subject ends with a mark within the semester based on the joint decision of supervisor and/or consultant(s). The mark is based on the quality of the thesis (e.g. content and form, and how well the student has fulfilled the requirements in the thesis description) and the progress, originality of the work and the importance of the conclusions). If the student does not submit their thesis or does not satisfy at least 50% of the requirements specified in the thesis assignments, the mark for the “Final Project” subject shall be fail, regardless of the amount and quality of the work done. No resubmission is permitted within the late submission week without the supervisor’s knowledge.

Prior to the final exam, thesis work is reviewed by a reviewer. The reviewer prepares a written thesis review.

Final year thesis template

Suggested thesis topics

1. Development of a morphological measurement method for determination of the size of rubber particles in thermoplastic matrix
 Consultant: Görbe Ákos, Dr. Bárány Tamás

2. Effect of reprocessing on the properties of thermoplastic polymer matrix hybrid composites
 Consultant: Dr. Petrény Roland

Ongoing thesis topics

3. Development of extrusion-based additive manufacturing of elastomers
 Student: Móri Máté
 Consultant: Dr. Bárány Tamás, Dr. Kovács Norbert Krisztián, Görbe Ákos

4. Rövid szénszálak nedves rendezési technológiájának kifejlesztése
 Student: Teleki Zsolt Álmos
 Consultant: Dr. Czél Gergely, Dr. Tamás-Bényei Péter, Sántha Péter

5. Comparison of the recyclability of PET bottles collected from the households and the Tisza River
 Student: Reischl-Kajtor Erzsébet
 Consultant: Dr. Gere Dániel

6. Material development for Hydrogen energy cell
 Student: Omoteniola Fatoki
 Consultant: Hajagos Szabolcs, Dr. Kovács József Gábor

7. Analysis of color-dependent shrinkage
 Student: Tóth Lujza Luca
 Consultant: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Gál László

8. Rim development from recycled reinforcement and matrix material
 Student: Umar Abdul-Jalal Jarimi
 Consultant: Dr. Kovács József Gábor, Dr. Török Dániel

9. Development and testing of hierarchical polylactic acid scaffolds
 Student: Lipkovics Kata
 Consultant: Dr. Molnár Kolos, Abdullah Kardo Khalid

10. Effect of test conditions on shear strength using thermoplastic cylinder test
 Student: Stier Máté
 Consultant: Dr. Morlin Bálint

11. Improvement of failure mode of aluminium substrate and adhesives
 Student: Fekete Kristóf
 Consultant: Dr. Szebényi Gábor, Dr. Lámer Fruzsina Tünde

12. Testing and development of a composite wheel rim for a Formula Student racecar
 Student: Diószeghy Dániel Viktor
 Consultant: Dr. Szebényi Gábor

13. Vékonyfalú 3D nyomtatott cellás rendszerek paraméter-érzékenység vizsgálata tervezhető tulajdonságú energiaelnyelési alkalmazásokhoz
 Student: Bauer Ádám
 Consultant: Szederkényi Bence, Dr. Czigány Tibor, Dr. Kovács Norbert Krisztián

© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor