HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Optimum-cure during processing and health monitoring of bio-based thermoset composites using fiber optics

Project ID:
Supported by:
Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH)
1 January 2018 - 31 December 2019
Supervisor (BME):
Prof. Dr. Tibor Czigány
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schledjewski
Participant researchers (BME):
Dr. Gábor Szebényi
Dr. Gergely Hegedűs
Dr. Tamás Tábi

Project summary

The usage of fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) composites has proven successful for many lightweight and structural applications because of their high mechanical performance and low material density. In consideration of energy and resource efficiency FRPs based on regrowing plants represent an interesting group of materials which offers both, lightweight potential and economical sustainability. Therefore intense and continuous research has been done to develop the properties and manufacturing processes of natural fiber reinforced plastic (NFRP) materials, as well as the synthesizing of vegetable or plant oils to provide bio-based thermoset resin systems beside the fiber reinforcement. Process monitoring becomes more and more important to ensure a reliable and reproducible manufacturing process for FRPs. Integrated fiber optical sensors, which are already used for strain detection during structural health monitoring (SHM) of composite parts offer an interesting opportunity for the usage of multiple tasks. Properly embedded fiber optical Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors could detect the strain during processing induced by the chemical and thermal shrinkage of the thermoset resin system and give feedback according the actual cure state. The cooperative project between the Chair Processing of Composites at Montanuniversitaet Leoben (MUL) in Austria and the Department of Polymer Engineering at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in Hungary focuses the integration of fiber optic sensors inside NFRP composites. The FBG sensor technique will be used for monitoring the curing behavior of bio-based thermoset systems as well as for SHM afterwards. By comparing the results with alternative sensor signals the signal quality and precision and improvements for the feasibility during processing will be investigated. The results increase the potential on NFRP composites with bio-based resin systems for reliable, structural applications. This makes them more attractive for several industries, like the engineering, automotive, aerospace and energy industry.

Project-related publications

  1. Blossl Y., Hegedűs G., Szebényi G., Tábi T., Schledjewski R., Czigány T.: Applicability of fiber Bragg grating sensors for cure monitoring in resin transfer molding processes. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 40, 701-713 (2021) 10.1177/0731684420958111 IF=3.383 Q2
  2. Hegedűs G., Sarkadi T., Czigány T.: Self-sensing composite: Reinforcing fiberglass bundle for damage detection. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 131, 105804/1-105804/7 (2020) 10.1016/j.compositesa.2020.105804 IF=7.664 D1
  3. Szebényi G., Blößl Y., Hegedűs G., Tábi T., Czigány T., Schledjewski R.: Fatigue monitoring of flax fibre reinforced epoxy composites using integrated fibre-optical FBG sensors. Composites Science and Technology, 199, 108317/1-108317/8 (2020) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2020.108317 IF=8.528 D1
  4. Hegedűs G., Czigány T.: State monitoring of polymer composites with glass optical fibre and with equipment used in telecommunication. Acta Materialia Transylvanica, 3, 1-9 (2020) 10.33924/amt-2020-01-01
  5. Hegedűs G., Sarkadi T., Czigány T.: Multifunctional composite: Reinforcing fibreglass bundle for deformation self-sensing. Composites Science and Technology, 180, 78-85 (2019) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.05.018 IF=7.094 D1

© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor