HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Curriculum vitae | Research interests | Publications | Taught subjects | Proposed topics

You can see the publication list in the following database:

Statistics of publications ranking by Scopus / ranking by WoS

Total number of publications: 10

Number of Hungarian publications: 1

Number of publications in foreign language: 9

Number of Q1 publications: 5

of which D1: 1

Number of Q2 publications: 1

Number of Q3 publications: 1

Number of Q4 publications: 0

Impact factor: 26.6

Total number of independent citations: 41

Number of independent citations in SCI:

h-index: 4


  1. Magyar B., Czigány T., Szebényi G.: Metal-alike polymer composites: The effect of inter-layer content on the pseudo-ductile behaviour of carbon fibre/epoxy resin materials. Composites Science and Technology, 215, 109002/1-109002/8 (2021) 10.1016/j.compscitech.2021.109002 IF=9.879 D1
  2. Szebényi G., Magyar B., Czigány T.: Achieving Pseudo-Ductile Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites via Interfacial Engineering. Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 2000822/1-2000822/7 (2021) 10.1002/adem.202000822 IF=4.122 Q1
  3. Szebényi G., Magyar B., Czigány T.: Achieving Pseudo-Ductile Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites via Interfacial Engineering. Advanced Engineering Materials, 23, 2000822/1-2000822/ (2020) 10.1002/adem.202000822 IF=3.862 Q1
  4. Szebényi G., Hliva V., Magyar B.: Development of interphase engineering techniques for the ductility improvement in CF/EP composites - Comparison of NDT methods for delamination localization. Materials Today: Proceedings, 34, 113-116 (2020) 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.01.403 Q3
  5. Magyar B., Szebényi G., Czigány T.: Comparison of different interfacial engineering methods to achieve pseudo-ductile behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites. in 'International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM22) Melbourne, Australia. 2019.08.11-2019.08.16,9 (2019)
  6. Toldy A., Szebényi G., Molnár K., Tóth L. F., Magyar B., Hliva V., Czigány T., Szolnoki B.: The effect of multilevel carbon reinforcements on the fire performance, conductivity, and mechanical properties of epoxy composites. Polymers, 11(2), 303/1-303/13 (2019) 10.3390/polym11020303 IF=3.426 Q1
  7. Szebényi G., Magyar B.: Effect of fibre sizing on the interlaminar properties of polyamide matrix composites. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 426, 012044/1-012044/7 (2018) 10.1088/1757-899X/426/1/012044
  8. Magyar B., Temesi T., Szebényi G.: Szénszál erősítésű kompozitok szívósságnövelése a határfelületi adhézió módosításával. in 'OGÉT 2017: XXV. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia Kolozsvár, Románia. 2017.04.27-2017.04.30.,263-266 (2017)
  9. Szebényi G., Czigány T., Magyar B., Karger-Kocsis J.: 3D printing-assisted interphase engineering of polymer composites: Concept and feasibility. Express Polymer Letters, 11, 525-530 (2017) 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2017.50 IF=3.064 Q1
  10. Szebényi G., Magyar B., Iványicki T.: Comparison of static and fatigue interlaminar testing methods for continuous fiber reinforced polymer composites. Polymer Testing, 63, 307-313 (2017) 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2017.08.033 IF=2.247 Q2
© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor