HUN-REN-BME Research Group

Curriculum vitae | Research interests | Publications | Taught subjects | Proposed topics

You can see the publication list in the following database:

Statistics of publications ranking by Scopus / ranking by WoS

Total number of publications: 4

Number of Hungarian publications: 1

Number of publications in foreign language: 3

Number of Q1 publications: 2

of which D1: 0

Number of Q2 publications: 1

Number of Q3 publications: 0

Number of Q4 publications: 0

Impact factor: 12.899

Total number of independent citations:

Number of independent citations in SCI:



  1. Tatár B., Mészáros L.: Shape memory effect in cross-linked polyethylene matrix composites: the effect of the type of reinforcing fiber. Polymer Bulletin, 81, 6311–6323 (2024) 10.1007/s00289-023-05003-0 IF=3.2 Q2
  2. Tatár B., Mészáros L.: Shape memory polymers: Current state and future prospects. Express Polymer Letters, 17, 674-674 (2023) 10.3144/expresspolymlett.2023.49 IF=3.3 Q1
  3. Mészáros L., Tatár B., Toth K., Földes A., S. Nagy K., Jedlovszky-Hajdú A., Tóth T., Molnár K.: Novel, injection molded all-polyethylene composites for potential biomedical implant applications. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 17, 743-755 (2022) 10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.01.051 IF=6.4 Q1
  4. Tatár B., Molnár K., Mészáros L.: Alakemlékező polimer szálak fejlesztése. in 'XXIX. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia (OGÉT 2021) Románia. 2021.04.23.,140-143 (2021)
© 2014 BME Department of Polymer Engineering - Created by: Dr. Romhány Gábor